Prey or predator or prey? A little of both in each of us.
Predators: need praise, recognition and money.
Prey: safety and comfort. It is easy enough to spot predators and prey amongst partners, housemates, friends, relatives and acquaintances.
Unchecked, predators, however charming and exciting, overstep their boundaries and devour the very people they depend on. Prey, on the other hand, once the danger has passed, grow fat and lazy, living easy, convenient, unambitious lives.
Pandemics leave us at the mercy of an invisible enemy. Are you a victim or a casualty? Did the virus know your name and go looking for you, or was it just bad luck – wrong person, wrong place, wrong time?

It is up to you :-: Act or be acted on. Of course most people fail, landing like lemmings at the bottom of a cliff. But does that matter? We cannot choose the dice, and this is the only game in town. Nonetheless, since we are here, we might as well play. And when the game is over and we curl up our toes for the final time, the dice drops silently back into the big black beyond, from whence it came.
Zoom meetings
Every Sunday 2 – 4 pm London time
Tickets from MoodMapping at MeetUp or Eventbrite
Dr Liz Miller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MoodMapping on Zoom
Time: Jan 3, 2021 02:00 PM London
Every week on Sun, until May 30, 2021, 22 occurrence(s)
Jan 3, 2021 02:00 PM
Jan 10, 2021 02:00 PM
Apr 25, 2021 02:00 PM
Weekly: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/upwqf–hrjgpHtLw7NdSMP3FUoiovFCKfWGU/ics?icsToken=98tyKu6gqTMsE9SWsx2BR7Y-B4qgM_PziHZegrdxi0jLBxN-UlDQA-1LPaRZM_PW
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