7 – Differentiating the Three Levels

Each of the three levels of mental experience, thoughts, emotions and moods uses different types of words, in the list above : Troubled, Curious, Secretive, Indifferent describes thought processes and attitudes : Words such as Angry, Loving, Jealous, usefully describe emotions, ; Overwhelmed, depressed, exhausted, active, calm describe moods

The differentiation between these three levels is important, not least because where there are difficulties it is important to know the level at which these difficulties are taking place. Where someone is not thinking rationally or logically, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which concentrates on encouraging insight and realistic thinking is helpful. Learning to think in a healthier way, to be more optimistic or more positive helps make life easier and helps motivate yourself. However where the problem is one of emotional distress, talking to another person about how you feel, sharing your feelings and working out how you might manage your feelings and emotions better is more appropriate. Where the problem is moods, direct therapy is less helpful. For example, often more physical interventions, such as exercise, a better diet, better sleep, music, a safe environment are more likely to bear fruit, at least in the beginning.

MoodMapping is the first therapy that primarily looks at moods, and distinguishes them from thoughts and emotions. This is not to deny the influence of thoughts and emotions on moods, nor to underestimate the impact of moods on thoughts and emotions. It is to emphasis their different origins and the different approach that is needed.

For further information and to learn more about MoodMapping, you can buy the book MoodMapping by Dr Liz Miller, on Amazon

and watch the YouTube video

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