Generally we are more used to describing our mood in terms of words, rather than numbers. This list of words (frightened, astonished, motivated, excited, sad, tired, exhausted, relaxed, content, pleased, and delighted are moods that relate largely to mood, rather than thoughts or emotions. Although many words can be used to describe moods and emotions, for example even ‘loving’ might be thought as a mood state, relatively low energy, and highly positive, as much as it is an emotion that wells up from deep inside and makes us want to nurture. The emotion of love is conveyed at least in part through the hormone oxytocin.
The transference of words through thoughts, emotions and moods can make it harder to distinguish between thoughts, emotions and moods. And yet given the different origins of these states, if you are to manage your mind, then it important to be able to make these distinctions
This is an exercise you may find helpful – put these words on your MoodMap. Doing this brings your MoodMap to life.
For further information and to learn more about MoodMapping, you can buy the book MoodMapping by Dr Liz Miller, on Amazon
and watch the YouTube video