11 – Mood and Wellbeing

The horizontal axis represents Wellbeing, how good or bad or how positive or negative you feel. Life depends both upon energy and wellbeing. At its worst, a complete lack of wellbeing makes life impossible. In this state, even basic functions cannot continued. Wellbeing is as essential as Energy to maintain life. It is hard to … [Read more…]

10 – Mood & Energy

Mood has two parts. The first part is energy which MoodMapping puts on the vertical axis of the Map. Energy can vary and some people naturally seem to have more energy than others. Without doubt physical fitness, and health generally play a major part in how much energy someone has, but there is often more … [Read more…]

9 – How to MoodMap

It is very easy to lie to ourselves and to lie to others about how we really feel. MoodMapping is about being honest about how we are and using that information to help improve our mood, health and wellbeing. The mood map describes how we feel in this moment in time, now – not yesterday … [Read more…]

8 – What makes a mood?

Mood comes from the deepest part of the brain, from the engine room, that is the brain stem. This is the part of the brain that controls the basic functions of the body. Because moods are so deep in the clockwork, moods can be harder to appreciate than the more superficial thoughts and emotions. After … [Read more…]

7 – Differentiating the Three Levels

Each of the three levels of mental experience, thoughts, emotions and moods uses different types of words, in the list above : Troubled, Curious, Secretive, Indifferent describes thought processes and attitudes : Words such as Angry, Loving, Jealous, usefully describe emotions, ; Overwhelmed, depressed, exhausted, active, calm describe moods The differentiation between these three levels … [Read more…]